Environmental Sanitation Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 110-116.doi: 10.19841/j.cnki.hjwsgc.2024.03.018

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Analysis of the Impact Factors of Fine Management of Provincial Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Enterprises: A Case Study of Zhejiang Province

LIU Qing, MA Yunfeng, CHEN Xiaoling, LI Wenhan, XU Hui, JIN Xiangjiao, YI Peng   

  1. 1. Hangzhou Environmental Sanitation and Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Security Center; 2. School of Environment, Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Acaclemy of Science; 3. Hangzhou Linjiang Environmental Energy Co. Ltd.; 4. Shaoxing Qingneng Environmental Protection Co. Ltd.
  • Online:2024-07-02 Published:2024-07-02

Abstract: At present, incineration has become the main disposal way of municipal solid waste (MSW). The number and disposal capacity of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) plants in Zhejiang province have improved significantly. Under the influence of conditions such as incineration overcapacity, huge differences of operating costs, insufficient scientific and technological innovation, it was crucial for the MSWI industry to optimize in fine management. Zhejiang province was taken as an example, the management status of its MSWI plants was analyzed, and suggestions from the aspects of planning and coordination, fine management, scientific and technological innovation were proposed. It was of great practical significance for the MSWI enterprises to improve the operational efficiency and MSW management departments to improve the regulatory system.

Key words: domestic waste, waste to energy, fine management, improvement of performance

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