Environmental Sanitation Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 45-50.doi: 10.19841/j.cnki.hjwsgc.2023.05.007

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Influence of CO2 Content in Flue Gas on Pyrolysis/Gasification Process of Municipal Solid Waste

WANG Meng, LU Mingqiang, JIA Tianyuan, CHEN Dezhen, MA Xiaobo,YIN Lijie   

  1. 1. School of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Tongji University; 2. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Multi-source Solid Wastes Co-processing and Energy Utilization
  • Online:2023-10-27 Published:2023-10-27

Abstract: Pyrolysis/gasification is one of the important ways to convert Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into energy and is also an effective way to dispose rural solid waste. High-temperature flue gas was used to directly heat up the preheated materials for pyrolysis/gasification. The influence of the temperature of heating flue gas and the preheating temperature of materials on the distribution of pyrolysis/gasification products were analyzed. And the influence of CO2 ratio in flue gas on the composition and calorific value of the combustible gas, and volatile release rate were emphatically analyzed. It was found that both preheating materials and increasing the temperature of flue gas could increase the yield and calorific value of combustible gas, promote the decomposition of macromolecular organics in the tar. When the preheating temperature was higher than 300 ℃ and the temperature of heatingflue gas was higher than 800 ℃, the calorific value of combustible gas was greater than 8.00 MJ/m3. The increase of CO2 content in the heating flue gas could significantly increase the CO content of the combustible gas, increase the calorific value of the combustible gas, promote the volatile release rate in the char, and improve the average voluetric heat transfer coefficient.

Key words: domestic waste, pyrolysis, gasification, CO2

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