Environmental Sanitation Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 11-16.doi: 10.19841/j.cnki.hjwsgc.2024.05.002

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Comparative Analysis of Discharge and Regulatory Standards on Effluents from Waste Incineration Plants in China and Developed Countries

GAN Jie, LIU Hao, LI Jianhui   

  1. Everbright Environmental Protection (China) Co. Ltd.
  • Online:2024-11-01 Published:2024-11-01

Abstract: Influenced by the differences in domestic waste composition, calorific value and flue gas purification process, the water emission control objects and elements of waste incineration plants in European Union, United States, Japan and China are significantly different. Based on the relevant water discharge standards and regulatory requirements in domestic and foreign, the differences and reasons of domestic and foreign standards were discussed from the perspectives of control objects, discharge limits and implementation standards. The analysis showed that the wastewater treatment object of domestic waste incineration plants in European Union and Japan was wet flue gas process wastewater, and the key control factor was dioxins. In United States, there was no waste water to be treated in domestic waste incineration plants, so no sewage treatment facilities were equipped. The wastewater treatment object of domestic waste incineration plant in China was mainly leachate, and the key control factors were organic pollutants and heavy metals. In the control of wet flue gas process wastewater, European Union controlled more factors than Japan, but the concentration limit of dioxin emission was relatively relaxed. Japan only controlled the concentration of dioxins discharged into natural water from domestic waste incineration plants, but the limits were relatively strict. In terms of the standard determination of the quality of wastewater discharged into natural water, United States and European Union standards allow the emission concentration of pollutants to fluctuate reasonably within a certain range for a short time. Standards in Japan and China are more emphasis on non-discriminatory environmental regulation to reflect the principle of justice and equality, and once the concentration exceed the limit value, it is considered to exceed the emission. Finally, in view of the water emission management of domestic waste incineration industry in China, suggestions were put forward to reasonably determine the control factors and emission requirements, further optimize and expand more flexible emission limits and regulatory measures.

Key words: waste incineration, wastewater discharge management, control factors, emission limit values, environmental supervision

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