Environmental Sanitation Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 1-10.doi: 10.19841/j.cnki.hjwsgc.2024.05.001

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Research on the Construction Planning of Construction Waste Redistribution Sites in a City Based on Cluster Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

GUO Shuai,XIE Wengang,LIU Daowu,ZHOU Xiaojuan,YAN Zhengnan,YANG Shangding   

  1. 1. Central & Southern China Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd.;2. Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Haikou City
  • Online:2024-11-01 Published:2024-11-01

Abstract: To redistribute the construction waste properly and optimize the existing collection and transportation system, the construction planning of construction waste redistribution sites in a city was studied by using cluster analysis and particle swarm optimization algorithm. Taking the four districts of a city as the research objects, the cluster analysis was used to obtain the classification results of construction waste generation points for different redistribution site construction plans. By comparing the total cost of each plan, the results showed that the number of redistribution sites in optimized construction scheme was four and the lowest cost was 177.959 5 million yuan. On this basis, the particle swarm optimization algorithm was applied to optimize the construction waste redistribution route planning with the objective of minimizing the cost. The optimal site selection results for the construction of each redistribution site were obtained, which could minimize the redistribution distance and cost of construction waste in the city. Additionally, guiding recommendations for the construction of the redistribution sites were provided.

Key words: construction and demolition debris, redistribution site, construction planning, particle swarm optimization

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